Compare Caribbean medical schools

Not all Caribbean medical schools are created equal

We’ve built a tool to help you compare Caribbean medical schools. Choose two Caribbean medical schools to see a head-to-head comparison of MCAT requirements, student loan and other scholarship availability, residency success, tuition and more.

If you have questions or comments about this tool or the results, please post them to our Caribbean Medical School Forum.

Most Caribbean medical schools are easier to get into that US medical schools, but there are extra hoops to jump through later on. For example, most of the Caribbean medical schools are not accredited by all states in the US. In particular New York, Florida and California have particularly stringent accreditation processes – so just because you graduate from a WHO-recognized medical school in the Caribbean doesn’t mean you’ll be able to practice anywhere in the US. If you know where you want to practice medicine, contact that state’s board of medical examiners and find about accreditation before you matriculate to a Caribbean medical school.

Or visit the Caribbean medical school’s website directly:

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